
Posts Tagged ‘brothers’

“When is he going to play with me?!” said E, not long ago in regards to his baby brother.

Now that my oldest son is nearly five years old, and my youngest is nearing sixteen-months old, they are starting to interact together more. It’s wonderful and terrifying all at the same time.

Although E has more toys than any child could ever use, like most do these days, there’s just something about baby toys that fascinates him to no end. I have a lovely playroom set up for E with all the “big boy” toys, and our living room houses all the “baby toys”, since that’s where the little guy spends most of his time. However, most days one would find E in the middle of the baby-toys, crashing the little cars or counting the coins in the baby piggy bank. The little tiny fold out couch is also a fan-favorite of Eion’s. I have to tell him often to remember that he is big enough to sit on the couch, where little brother can’t yet…

Sometimes, E will bring some of the big boy toys (matchbox cars, hockey sticks and nets or whatever he could find) into the mix, which I hate, since then I have to try and sort it all out later so the baby doesn’t end up eating a matchbox car wheel. Finn will get right in the middle of whatever E is doing and sit down and bang cars or hit toys with his hockey stick right along with E. Last night, Eion brought out his little play tent that’s shaped like a fire truck and let Finn wear the hat that the firemen handed out when they visited his school (Finn was over the moon with the hat). They played in there for a good while…well, of course until big brother started getting too rough, and mommy started getting too nervous with the little one holed up inside there with E.

Finn has also started this high pitched screaming for absolutely no reason, which Eion just LOVES… because then he joins in too. So, every evening ends with Tylenol for mommy & daddy. But, they are starting to play together… that’s a good thing. I hope that they will grow up to be buddies. Friends forever.

At what age did your kids start to “bond” as buddies?

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